Super quick and tasty meal!!!

Have you ever accidentally figured out something was super delicious? Maybe I’ve just been craving hot sauce ever since I made that PaleOMG recipe a few weeks ago. Well yesterday I threw together a couple things in my fridge and topped it with hot sauce an called it a meal. Then when I started eating it, I was blown away with yumminess! BLOWN AWAY, I tell you.


So it’s comprised a few go-to things I’ve been doing lately. Thing 1 is crcokpot sweet potatoes–because you just wrap them in foil, turn on the crockpot, and then forget about them.  Then voila–the taste of oven-baked sweet potatoes without all the trouble and without abusing your microwave 🙂

The other thing is Thing 2: pasta-ready chicken.


  • Hammer out the chicken (with platic wrap?) to tenderize it.
  • Heat a skillet to medium high heat with a bit of oil (coconut, olive, butter, whatever!)
  • Season the chicken (salt and pepper plus Mrs. Dash has been my go-to)
  • Brown the chicken in the skillet on both sides.
  • Change the heat to LOW and cover with a lid. Or a cookie sheet, whatever fits.
  • Set a timer for to mintes.
  • After ten minutes turn the burner off. Leave the lid on!
  • Set the timer again for ten more minutes. After than, made sure the internal temp it at least 160 degrees.
  • Let the chicken cool down some and then cut into cubes or strips or whatever the heck you want 🙂



I’ve been eating it mixed with broccoli too. But who’d’athunk you could just do it in a sweet potato??

Use a half or a whole sweet potato and stick it in a bowl. I prefer to peel the skin off. It’s actually pretty easy to remove it from a cooked sweet potato with you fingers. Is that weird? I don’t know. Whatever. lol

You could add a pat of butter if you want:


I love walmart for starting to carry Kerrygold–it’s grassfed beef!!!  Now if they could only keep it in stock.

Finish by topping it with hot sauce. Frank’s original has clean paleo-approved ingredients.



This picture isn’t even flattering, but your tastebuds will be having a big party–trust me!


It comes out to being almost exactly a 3 block  zone meal–half a sweet potato is only 2 blocks of carbs, so it would be a good idea to eat some extra veggies on the side. Also, you’d want to use half of a tablespoon of butter on your potato to get the right amount of fat. I’m still on the fence as to whether the zone diet does much for me, personally. I never really got accustomed to measuring and counting everything.  The only way to be successful at it is to eat the same thing over and over.


I’m going to be that cliche dude who starts using myfitnesspal on january 1st.

It’s  kinda silly, but my box is all kinda doing it together. We just finished “bulking” season and now we’re going to try and get lean for the open. I have exactly 4 and a half days to eat whatever I want. Which is ideal, because I have two $5 pizza coupons.

Happy Mayan Calendar Doomsday!


So the world didn’t end. I’m actually kind of disappointed. Would have been a pretty awesome way to die. Is that morbid and creepy? Ohwell.

I used a sparkly green lush bath bomb. It was the prettiest one I’ve used EVER, but the smell was really boring.


I meant to go to sleep after that, but I got all distracted. I suck at sleeping this week. BUT I did go running with my early morning Wednesday group and actually made it the whole 5 miles! The last several weeks I’ve only been doing 4. For some reason that was the magic number before I’d crap out, but now I have a promising future thanks to my knee who is finally starting to calm down.

I am the world’s clumsiest crossfitter. I’ve been crossfitting for almost a year and I still regularly scrape the bejeezus out of my shins.20121221-114152.jpg

So gross.


I think I just ruined my chances of ever finding a boyfriend tricking some poor guy into dating me.

Speaking of crossfit–A pictiure of me was posted on my box’s blog the other day!!!


Here’s a better view of it.


Did I mention that Angie is my least favorite workout ever? Figures. Also, push-ups are my least favorite movement ever. Right next to pull ups.

I did hand-release style pushups for this WOD because I wanted them to count towards my “exercise of the month club” reps. I am currently at 2,005.  I am still  currently “on schedule”. Only 1,095 more and I’ll be finished!!! Barf. My traps are enormous. Anyways, I am not even going to tell you how long that took me. Okay, fine. The pullups took about 12 minutes and the push-ups took another 15. I did the squats and the situps basically unbroken, but I was still the last person in my whole gym to finish that thing. I can’t even DO that workout without being SUPER duper pissed off the whole time. I was cursing and crying and sweating and hating my life.

Let’s talk food, shall we?


I can’t stop making that spaghettis squash bake. It’s so freaking good and it lasts for 4-6 meals, depending on how starving you are.

This is my grass-fed steak:


It’s a little bit rare, but I don’t care. I ate it anyway.

Brad came over again last night and we made “epic breakfast”.


He pretty much made everything except the french toast. Which turned out looking like turds.


But it tasted pretty epic anyways. I went to get the loaf out of the pan when I discovered that the middle was still soupy. How did I discover that, you ask? Oh, I dumped it all over the kitchen. Isn’t that how everyone checks to see if their bread is done?


Whatever. We exchanged christmas goodies. One of the things he gave me:


Freaking delicious on eggs. We used it during epic breakfast.

Oh, PS–still no callbacks from Bear Grylls casting. I’m not really too excited about submitting a video at this point. It’s a lot of trouble.

Salad Frenzy

I have an announcement:


I got a new photo editing app, so I decided to use it to showcase the salad kick I went on:20121211-092249.jpg

if all salads looked like that, then I could pretty much eat them for every meal for the rest of my life without complaining.

I also have had thai/indian curry three times in the past couple of weeks:


No collage. I forgot to take pics of the other two times. Oops.

I made PaleOMG’s sweet potato and spinach egg nests again:20121211-092706.jpg

They are really delicious.

I rode to Ozark, MO this weekend with Nathan, Brad, and Colton. It was a very entertaining car ride. We were going to the Ozark Mountain Shred Fest to watch some Athletes from 540 compete. They were super impressive to watch! I want to be where they are some day 🙂 It was really fun to go cheer for them.


I don’t really know what’s going on with my eye in that photo…

Amy impresses the snot out of me.


Bailey, Sam, Kelly, Trevor and Jerry also brought some A-game that weekend.


After that we went to a place called Mexican Villa and ordered Trevor’s famous burrito. For some reason I was STARVING and I scarfed down the whole thing in like 38 seconds. Everyone was pretty impressed–I was totally embarrassed. I regretted at the time, but the next day I felt fine again. I think now that my body has more muscle mass, it’s harder to suffer from overeating. Plus, the cheese, gluten, and whatever the heck else is in there didn’t make me feel bad at all… unfortunately 🙂 lol it’s harder to avoid naughty food when there are minimal consequences from eating it.


Coincidently, I am also the proud owner of a brand new pair of these:


I went to WOD last night. I am still working on getting my squats back to where they were. Here’s what the WOD was:

3 rounds:

30 bear hugger squats, 25lb plate

10 burpee bar overs

15 push press @ 75lb

rest 2 minutes. Then do 3 MORE ROUNDS!!! Ahhhhh!!! 🙂

I accidentally did 12 burpee bar overs in the first round because I thought it was supposed to be 15. Hardy har. The squats murdered my face. I actually made it through all of the rounds, except by the last round my back was cramping so bad that I had to drop the plate on the last 20 reps. My time was 23:45 which was actually pretty good.  Today I plan on rolling the snot out of my ridiculous back. Tonight we are going for a max back squat, but I am going to play it safe. I might try for 200 or so, but I won’t beat myself up if I can’t get it. I’d rather not be injured, thanks.

Last night I discovered that this is also good with a little hot sauce.


Other news: I failed at the last weigh in, but I think I’ll go ahead and try to do another week. This week is a good week to try because I’m too broke to feed myself anyway. El oh el, Christmas shopping.

I’m on target in the Push-up Challenge. I was ahead, but then yesterday I only got 60, so now I am just struggling to stay afloat. Right at this moment, I have done  1040 for the month of December. I should be at 1100 by the end of the day to still be on target 🙂 Almost halfway there!!!