
Time to dedicate an entire post to food. Ready, getset, GO!!!

I sometimes forget how ridiculously delicious tomato sauce is. And how EASY it is to make for dinner! The other day I decided to get tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, ground beef, onions, and italian spices and whip up a super quick easy sauce to dump over spaghetti squash. And it was amazing.


Too bad that I overcooked the spaghetti squash. The leftover sauces was awesome dumped over a baked sweet potato…

Feaux-tatoes. Skillet chicken with Mrs. Dash spices. Creamy Spice market kale from Well Fed.

Speaking of which–did you know Well Fed 2 exists??? It’s available for pre-order!


I forgot to take a picture of it, but we made these kind of buns for burgers on Monday night. Here is a picture of my half-eaten leftovers:


Yesterday for lunch I whipped up some rutabaga egg nests:


They are my go-to meal when I am strapped for cash. And between my trip to Dallas last weekend and my trip to Kansas City this weekend I am definitely broke as a joke.

This is what happens if you throw frozen bananas into a food processor with a dash of vanilla extract:


This is what happens when you top it with reese’s pieces:


Last night Brad and I went on a little date. We had dinner at Taziki’s which just opened here in Fayetteville. It wasn’t very paleo, though. It’s where burger life used to be…. we miss burger life. Taziki’s portions are really tiny:


We ordered something called a “feast” and it was a teensy serving of meat, no dressing on the salad, and a small side. We left hungry so I made us go to Bliss and get cupcakes 🙂 He got an Orange one and I got the Butterfinger. Holycrapballs it was insanely delicious.


Feast your eyes upon this badboy:20130712-094023.jpg

I didn’t have any empty places in my tummy after that. lol

OMGYAY! I am SUPER excited we are going to Kansas City tomorrow to play and compete in the Garage Games! Wheeeeee!!!

I went a little overboard with the colors just then…

Happy Friday!!!

Hogeye Relay!

I am sooo backed up! (Ew, not literally. You’re gross.) I keep meaning to write blog entries and then not doing it because I get all sidetracked with other things.

Somehow I got to be in charge of dinner the other day. I really wanted to make these salmon and avocado deviled eggs from my new PaleOMG cookbook. (YES! I got her cookbook and highly recommend it!) Perfect for cooking while watching movies on your computer. That way you dont have to pause it to look at the recipe 🙂 I know, I know.  You’re welcome.


And since I had no idea what else to fix, I decided to throw some paleo panckaes together.


It was a strange combo, but I have no complaints.

The next day we had this ridiculously cheesy pizza hut pizza for dinner:

This is going to sound completely insane and make no sense at all, but so far every time I’ve eaten a big greasy pizza for dinner I wake up the next day feeling super lean and toned. It makes absolutely no sense at all… but I swear it happens. And I’m up for experimenting and doing it again… for science.

My usual rutabaga egg nests:


I’m just gonna keep eating them ’til I get tired of it. Still hasn’t happened yet.

I went to bliss cupcake cafe after lunch with mom and got this banana pudding cupcake:


I have been super full of cheats, but that’s becuase I was planning on starting to eat Zone today…. I’m really not ready but I am going to attempt it anyways.


Kate, Sharon, Mindi and I ran the Hogeye Relay this weekend!



And we WON it! Yay team Golden Girls!!!



Special thanks to Corrie, who rode in our shuttle to cheer us all on. She was supposed to do the half, but couldn’t because of IT Band sydrome. I seriously hate that! Everyone who runs seems to have that happen to them and it stinks!!!


 It was really fun. It always is–I have done that relay four times now. Always lots of epic tales to go along with each experience. One year I arrived there too late to meet the first leg relay teammate after scraping my head the night before. I got back to my dorm to find the fourth leg still asleep in bed! lol. One year we experienced a torrential downpour at the finish line. This year one of my teammates blacked out right before her relay exchange. Crazy things happening, man.

Afterwards Brad and I went to crossfit and did this crazy WOD:

2 squat cleans 185/125

10 T2B (toes to bar)

10 HSPU (hand stand push-up)

2 Squat Cleans

9 T2B


2 Squat Cleans

8…. all the way to 1 T2B and 1 HSPU


I got to enjoy a fantastic post-race and post-WOD meal with Brad:


I wish I could eat 5 lbs of his sweet potato hashbrowns.

He created this sautéed berry magic and dumped it onto sliced kiwis:


Alright. It’s way too close to lunchtime for me to be gawking at all these food pictures. Happy Monday!!!

Paleo Gravy???

Hi!!! OMG! So happy it;s Thursday!

It’s been a fast-moving week this week, though. And I’m certainly glad that it’s the last week of the CrossFit Open–ready to be finished with all of that mess. 13.5 was annoinced last night–for most of the crossfit population, this workout will only take 4 minutes to complete. 4 minutes of grinding out 15/15 thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups. For the open, pull-ups have to be chest to bar because anything else is too difficult to judge properly. Too much gray area, so they tighten that up to chest-to-bars and there you go. Not much to argue with there. I tried it last night and completed 69 reps. Considering I can’t string C2B pullups together, that is pretty dang good. I’ll do it again on Saturday and/or Sunday, but I’m pretty content with that score, personally.

I cooked a steak on my lunch break!20130404-113345.jpg

It turned out kind of rare because I was on a time crunch–I wanted to mail a package and deposit a check before my time was up. 20130404-113355.jpg

Brad and I made paleOMG biscuits and gravy. Only it was mainly me making that while he made the sides, so it kinda turned out weird.20130404-113403.jpg

The gravy totally burned so it was all brown. And it was wayyyyyy liquidy. It’s like the coconut flour did nothing to thicken it up. Whatever. it still tasted okay, but pale gravy–we’re not finished yet. I WILL conquer you! Dangit!

But, yeah. If you have never made her sweet potato biscuits then you need to do that ASAP. There are a couple different versions, but having shrimp in there was DIVINE. (Although rarely eat shrimp bc of my bizzare allergy to it).


I made more rutabaga egg nests for lunch yesterday:20130404-113437.jpg

They only cost about $3.50 to make. Super cheap and satisfying.

Have you ever heard of Unfuck You Habitat?

(Sorry about the profanity, I’m normally not spouting out certain words, but it’s just part of this app’s personality, lol)

You can go to it for inspiration to clean your house and it sets a timer for 20 minutes of work with 10 minute breaks to get you stay motivated and clean up your disgusting apartment. My apartment is disgusting? Why, yes. Yes it is. So I have started using it. I used it last night to start uhf*cking my bathroom. It told me to throw away all the stuff in the cabinets that is expired or gross. So I did two drawers. You have to start somewhere, I guess. I also made some awesome to-do lists. If I chip away at this daily then I am pretty sure that I’ll have a shiny, happy apartment by the end of the month.


I feel like I never completely moved into my “habitat” anyways. I have lived there for two years and I have nothing hanging on the walls and my pantry has way more junk in it than it does food. And by “junk” I don’t mean twinkies and lollipops. I mean camping equipment, old pictures, a jewelry box, craft stuff, and who knows what else… I’ll have to take some before and after photos this weekend 🙂


Uses time wisely: Unsatisfactory.

That was the only thing on my report card when I was little that wasn’t “O” for outstanding or “S” for satisfactory.

Anyways, yeah. So on Monday night after crossfit, my inner fat kid went to WalMart to get easter candy. I NEEDED the mini cadbury eggs. Don’t ask me why, but I think it was the combination of the fact that I had a coupon and the fact that chocolate could singlehandedly rule the world. Just imagine, a world without chocolate? There would be a lot of sad people… and probably a lot fewer people with diabetes. If I ever get diabetes it will be completely because of chocolate. And possible because of cadbury eggs. I was panicking though because I couldnt find them anywhere! I even recruited an employee to help me search for them. We searched the candy aisle, the seasonal section, and the section by the door…. After a solid half hour of trotting arond walmart for candy, I looked at the section by the door one last time–


See that teensy peephole in the middle, there?! Eureka. I got two bags. And also some Reese’s eggs because they looked lonely.


I’ll get back on the paleo wagon after Easter…. sorry. Did I really just spend all that time writing about my candy cheat? Ok…

Here’s my usual rutabaga concoction:


I seem to eat that about 3 times a week. I’m in a bit of a cooking rut because I feel like I have no free time. I’m having trouble getting motivated to plan and prepare any food for the week at all unless it’s a desert. Does this ever happen to you guys? How do you deal???

Let’s talk about the Open.


LOL I look like I am being super careful. Good grief, my thighs are uncomfortably large. Just ask my shorts.

So 13.4 is a 7 Minute AMRAP couplet with Clean & Jerks and Toes to Bar in a sequence that goes “3-6-9-12-15-18,-etc.”

I did it. I had only slept 4 hours the night before and had gotten up early, run 5 miles in 26 degree weather, worked 8 hours, and stayed up late to work out. I wasn’t expecting to do very well at all, but it actually wasn’t too bad! The top athletes were scoring 85-95 reps and I got 83, (completed 15 clean and jerks and was working on the toes to bar) so I was quite pleased. I forgot to use hook grip, and my forearms were boycotting me by the end. I did the last 7 reps of toes to bar one at a time! lol

73707_515399525183944_695644372_nMy workout faces are completely silly.

My plan is to try it again on Sunday and aim to finish those last 15 toes to bars and get a score of 90. That would be pretty b’dass. But 83 is a very solid score too. Toes to bar aren’t my specialty at all…. so I’ll take it!

13.2 & Whole30 Day 4

YIPPITY SKIPPITY! The 13.2 WOD for the Crossfit Open was released on Wednesday night. And, as usual, a bunch of people in my box stayed up to do it that night.

7 min AMRAP

5 push press 115/75lbs

10 deadlifts 115/75lbs

15 Box jumps 24/20″


I did okay. I’m not a big fan of box jumps, but I just tried to keep moving best I could. I got 7 rounds plus 12 reps, or 222 reps. I will try it again this weekend. My goal is going to be 8 rounds–we will see. I am still actually semi-happy with my 222. Honestly, I like doing the open, but being super competitive with it makes me feel the urge to poop my pants. Which is not a fun urge to have, IMO.

Here’s my rutabaga egg nest/bacon dinner from last night:


Eating Whole30 can be kind of tricky when you eat out. I went to mexican place. I didn’t bother to ask about their cooking oils or use of MSG or anything. I just avoided chips, and swapped out my rice and beans for a plethora of fried plantains. Ignorance is bliss. I’m okay with my half-hearted whole30 attempt, I was ridiculously hungry all morning. No, seriously. I almost ate my arm.20130315-135919.jpg

Hey, it’s totally Friday today! Any weekend plans??? I don’t really have anything big. I plan to attempt 13.2 again. Otherwise, I wanna just enjoy this gorgeous weather, get caught up on sleep, get a run in, and cook. Cook my crazy little Whole30 face off!


I can’t help it. Grumpy cat is fantastic.


What the heck am I talking about!?! I forgot! I’m getting my hair cut this weekend! HURRAY!!!


Yeah, I know. I said that I wasn’t going to attempt 13.1 again. But Taylor was doing it at Crossfit Born Again, and I knew it would be the only chance I would have to do it a second time so I sucked it up and did it. And got 4 more reps!20130311-092808.jpg

When I got the the 100lb snatches, I actually had quite a bit of time left. But my form was horrible.  I failed about three times, but I still ended up improving enough to go ahead and take it. The bars at Crossfit Born Again were weird. They only weighed 15lbs, which was super awkward.

For some reason I kept slamming it into the tops of my knees:20130311-092817.jpg

Oh well. 13.1 is officially over!!!! Please, 13.2, you better suck less!

So… I am starting a second Whole30. I feel like this time I am gonna go more by my own rules and not by the rulebook rules. I am not going to obsessively weigh myself, but I am not going to hide my scale either (that resulted in overconsumption of almond butter and a weight gain of 7lbs). AND I am going to eat frozen bananas if I want.


I might even blend it with some cocoa powder.

I mostly made naughty food decisions this week because I plan to be really good over the next 30 days. Here are some of my eats this week:

PaleOMG rutabaga egg nests:


Sushi at Meiji–spicy crab salad. Some roll with too much jalapeño in it.



Jason’s Deli croissant (yes, i refused to get a salad! lol)


Panera Bread cobb salad:

I went to Tulsa to see Ashley! We went to the Hard Rock Casino, spent too much on drinks, and got hardly any sleep. It was good catching up, but we didn’t spent much time together. She had a lot of family stuff to do because she was in town for her grandmother’s funeral.


Bathroom pics are always good.
20130311-093644.jpgAt least I won’t want to consume any alcohol for a long time.

I accidentally left my favorite lululemon still pants in the hotel room. Poopoo.


And no, I’m not talking about a half marathon (you certainly won’t see me blogging about that kind of run distance any time soon!). I’m talking about the 2013 Crossfit Games Open workout #1! I had a dream the night before that it was the snatch Games Open workout from last year–which partially came true! They basically married that workout with the 7 minutes of burpees workout and gave it a time cap of 17 minutes:

17 minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatch, 75 / 45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatch, 135 / 75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatch, 165 / 100 lbs
10 burpees
Max rep Snatch, 210 / 120 lbs


I thought that the guys weights were skewed to be exponentially heavier than the ladies weights, which was kind of annoying. None of our guys made it as far as our ladies. I don’t know why they do it like that… doesn’t seem fair, but I guess it’s not like we’re competing against each other. It just makes it come down to the burpees more for the ladies and the strength more for the guys.

I’m not really that happy with my score. I managed to make it to the 100# snatches but with about 20 seconds left–I managed to change my weights and pull it twice, which gave me a final score of 152. I really really really don’t want to do it again, but I hate leaving the workout knowing that I probably could have done better. I babied myself through the 75lb snatches because I was worried about my back seizing up. We had done running and snatches the day before and I had to stop before the workout was over because my back was so locked up. There is nothing more frustrating than having to stop because of injury and not because of lungs… (I’m battling tree pollen allergies right now, so it’s not like my lungs are even that fabulous, though.) I really should just step back and take this years’ open as a learning experience and try not to worry so much about submitting tippity top scores.

Enough about that. Time to think happy thoughts.


Here are some rutabaga egg nests that I made from PaleOMG:


I have gotten to where I will make these during my lunch break because I have nothing else in my fridge but eggs and a rutabaga. Ha. That definitely happened yesterday.

Brad made short ribs again. With spice market kale and sweet potato fries.


We polished that off with Well Fed peach crisp recipe (only I used berries instead) :


We got to go on a fancy-pants dinner date on Tuesday night. It was ridiculous delicious. So delicious that I forgot to take pictures of anything except the apple dumplings we had for dessert:20130307-083944.jpgBut there was also really good wine and salad. I had salmon with gnocci. He had roasted chicken with spinach and potatoes. I think it has been at least a year since I’ve eaten like that. It was awesomesauce. Brad and his genius ideas…lol. He left this morning and is in NYC for vacation this weekend and won’t be back until Sunday night. I’m gonna miss him.

Ew, great. I’m one of “those” people now. What a hypocrite 🙂


540 House Box-Off!


I have so much to write about that I don’t even know where to start!!! The CF 540 Box-off was this weekend, and it was stupid amounts of fun! Except the part where I was sick. I totally had to leave work early on Friday because I had felt like poo. I had a fever and my throat was really sore. It still is pretty sore, actually.

Let’s rewind to Wednesday night.

The most epic thing happened. I wanted to wait to blog about it until I had some video evidence, but that didn’t pan out like I wanted it to. Ha! Soon. I FINALLY got my first Bar muscle-up!!! It was totally ugly, but it happened. I did it once and was extremely shocked, so I did it two more times. Then I tried it the next day and couldn’t get it at all. lol ohwell, I finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was hilarious because I had been working with Taylor on rind drills and banded bar MU and I was on the crappier tiniest band ever and it was easy. So I went up to Brad and said “Waaaah! Watch me try a bar muscle up and tell me what I’m doing wrong because I don’t know why I can’t get it!” He was laying down dying because he had just finished a really intense met-con, but he said “Just be confident!” Then I walked up to the bar and it IT HAPPENED.

On Thursday night Brad and I went to Jenn and Lance’s house for dinner. They are some pretty awesome folks. Very adventurous in the food department. I wanna eat with them all the time. In fact, maybe they’ll let me move in so they can feed me every day… worth a shot, right?

Here’s what we ate:

I made Spice Market Kale from well fed, and Lance cooked some sort of pork sausages and Jenn made a made-up turnip/rutabaga mash. It was yummy! And I was impressed that she threw that together. I would have royally screwed it up. It was basically like cauliflower mash only with a lot more flavah. Yup. Flavah. That’s how you spell that.


Dessert was all Brad. It was that Well Fed recipe for sautéed apples that I blogged about last time.20130225-104816.jpg

Time to talk about he Box-0ff!!!

Our team name: Genetically-altered nonorganic (grassfed?) paleo cyborg ninja unicorns.

On Friday I woke up feeling like dog poo. I asked off work early and went to sleep for about 3 hours and then dragged myself to the box that night for the first WOD: Triple 540. Only they said that every time you had to switch athletes, there was a 5 burpee penatly for the entire team. And with a 20-minute cutoff, not a single team finished.


Gray is always a good look when you’re doing a competition. Intimidating your opponents with pit marks.

Day 2 started out much better:


Jess spent the night with me, which was fun. Then the next morning we got to go have breakfast at Brad’s. He cooked us up some glorious paleo pre-competition magic.

The day started with a sled push relay. I think we each pushed it about 150M. Three times each.542808_500644593326104_1032201543_n


Then we came inside and did the “heavy lifters/ gymnasts” WOD. We got some  crap for having our girls both be the heavy lifters, but we WON that WOD. So… BOOM. Alex and I completed 96 squat clean thrusters at 110lbs in two rounds of 5 minutes.

Brad and Nathan shared toes-to-bars and air squats. Beware of those toes to bars, they’ll chew off your calluses!


I wasn’t sure if my face would be in this pic or not, lol 🙂

I got to dog-sit that night and the next because my parents are at Big Cedar. They recommitted their vows which is pretty cool. I had to miss it, but I still think it’s pretty awesome that they’ve been through all they have and that they are still as in love with each other as ever.

I got some quality animal time, hehe.


Box-Off Day #3

I woke up feeling pretty beat up from the sled. And pretty gross from the cold that I have. But the beep test was looming


Pretty sure we all got personal-bests for the beep test. Last week i got 113 but yesterday I managed 119 🙂 Alex raised her score from 84 to 108 or something crazy.

Next we got to do the max “G20H” (ground to overhead).

Alex and I shared a bar and alternated pulls the whole time. We both maxed out at 180. YES 180. The other day at Crossfit Commence’s grand opening I couldn’t even clean 160, so I was ECSTATIC that I PR’ed so big on that movement. Not only is it my new max ground to overhead by 15lbs, it’s my max clean by 15lbs, and my max jerk by 5lbs.



Don’t pretend like that’s not the coolest picture ever.

At this point, we found out that we were in second place going into the final WOD, which was a chipper with a 24:00 cutoff.

Here are the movements:

200m run

40 Handstand Push-ups

200 Double unders

40 deadlifts 225/155

200 nasties (jumping lunges)

40 KB swings (70/55)


If you scaled any of the movements (single-unders, lighter weights, regular pushups) then you just had to do a lot more reps. So the goal is to be able to do as many of the RX movements as possible and FAST.

I didn’t do any hand stand pushups, which was awesome. And I had an FANTASTIC double under day and got 80 in a row. My last streak was 68, so 80 is a pretty big freakin deal!


I did 20 of the deadlifts each time, which made my back pretty tight today. I don’t know how I feel about doing the WOD today because it has 205# deads in it….

540785_10151323034276547_1602944607_nHave you ever deadlifted so hard that your hair flew? Who knows.

I only had to do 15 KB swings at the end.

I had ten left and I went “SOMEONE ELSE!” haha– I was le pooped. Brad brought it home… we got 3rd in that workout and–

WE WON the box-off.


And celebrated with sparkly rainbow vegan unicorn poop cookies that Alex’s roommates made for us.



Oh! And these are my new lucky  PR unicorn earrings. Courtesy of Jessica.

20130225-115657.jpgWearing them right now. Er’yday.

Vegetables and Cats

I slept really well last night, but I am so groggy today! I think maybe it’s the weather–cold and rainy.


Any time I ever feel sad, I just go look at that picture. It’s amazing. I don’t even know how someone made that.

Rutabaga Egg Nests from PaleOMG!


I’ve been making them a lot lately. One rutabaga lasts me for at least two meals–which rocks. It’s basically like having eggs and hash browns without all the nastiness.

Here’s the last epic dinner/meal I made with Brad. It has some sort of roasted chicken leg recipe from nom nom paleo, mashed cauliflower, and the delicious spike market kale from well fed. And the gravy is from nom nom paleo. I’d link all of these , but I am certainly way too lazy. We’re making another dinner tonight. Hint: It has to do with short ribs and chai muffins.


Brad and I are like total BFFs. I’m pretty sure we’re dating now. There, now the internet knows. It was probably just a matter of time. How often/long do single people with a billion things in common hang out as “friends” anyways? That whole part of life is so complicated.



I had a little extra time after a 5-mile run yesterday morning, so I tried out Brad’s “sneak-vegetables into your breakfast” recipe.


It was tasty! I just am not sure if I see myself being awake enough to chop up spinach and things very often in the mornings, lol. I’m the laziest breakfast-eater EVER. Period.

I had a super naughty salad for lunch: It had ranch and cheese and two kinds of meats. And It was cold and rainy so I got a side of chicken chili.

Courtesy of Jason’s Deli. That’s a fat girl salad for sure. I need to keep avoiding dairy.

My skin is making my well aware that the whole30 has ended. Oops.

I love breakfast foods.

PaleOMG blueberry sausage stuffed sweet potatoes with a side of eggs and the pesto is a recipe from Well Fed.

OH! Wanda came over again. She slept in my bed for about 3 hours while I cooked dinner and got ready for bed.20130207-141858.jpgAt first I felt sad that she had to leave since she seems to be homeless. But then when I went to pet her, she grabbed my arm and bit me. Jerk. It was a lot easier to kick her out after all that.

I just want this on here so I can pin it on pinterest:

549252_439205292818721_1247240294_n lol

That whole outfit is ridiculously cute though! Don’t pretend it isnt.


Whole30 Day 20

Wow. I suck a little bit at updating this thing.

Yes, I’m going to start gushing about the whole30. LOOK AT MY SKIN! WTF, It’s CLEAR!!!


Aside from chapped lips, my whole persona is doing pretty freaking well on this crazy whole30. I’m really glad I am doing it but I kinda can’t wait to have chocolate. My theory is that dairy is the main culprit of my skin woes because chocolate is too awesome to be responsible for that, right?

Here are some of my meals from the past two weeks…20130117-232250.jpg

(Green beans are ok, more pod that pea.)20130117-232257.jpg

Berries on almond butter.20130117-232302.jpg

Burger patty toppe with guacamole, plantains, and a sweet potato with GHEEEEEE. (You have to say it like “wheeeee!”).

This might be my go-to meal:


Steak. Onions. Guac. This meal always makes me full and happy and tastes awesome. I just always have to floss for 15 years ever time I consume steak. Whatever. Worth it.

Here’s a new PaleOMG recipe–


Rutabaga egg nests. I really have a tendency to make all of her eggy/squashy recipes. They’re so “paleo-comfort food” to me. Allow me to list a bunch of them.

  1. Spinach Sweet Poato Egg Nests
  2. 5-ingredient Acron Squash Bake
  3. Blueberry Breakfast Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Actually that’s all I can think of.

This is a breakfast of champions:20130117-232418.jpg

I’m actually still really bad at eating breakfast. It usually consists of a banana with almond butter and either some bacon, sausage or, if I took time to plan, hard boiled eggs.

Here’s another “sit-down” breakfast that I managed to whip up:20130117-232432.jpg


And teaaaaaaaaa…. doesn’t really work as well with that word, does it?20130117-232502.jpg

I made the carmelized coconut chips from Well Fed.20130117-232518.jpg

I’m definitely been topping fruit with them. My crumblies are too small to really work as snacky-chips, though.

Here’s to beetnik foods, who saved my butt a few weeks ago with their half-price deal on their “perfectly paleo tasting menu”.20130117-232536.jpg

I also made paleo sushi from Well Fed:


Well, actually Brad came over and we both rolled some tasty rolls. We also made dessert and watched the movie Ted (which is pretty hilarious!). I can’t have shrimp because of my bizzare shellfish allergy, but we used smoked salmon and bacon to make some pretty fun rolls. I  highly recommend this to any sushi-lovers who happen to be doing the whole30. I didn’t miss the rice at all.

 Ok now it’s story time.

For “dessert” we decided to whip up some berries and cream from Well Fed. I set up my gigantic mixer that has been passed down from my grandparents. This thing is like a super industrial gigantic heavy duty kitchen aid mixer with a 500 horsepower motor inside. (I made that up, but I would definitely argue that point with someone.) So, I put the coconut cream in there and started whipping it up on high with the whisk attachment.

Brad was slicing strawberries or something and I decided to see if I could find my vanilla extract in the pantry and see if it had alcohol in it (which isn’t allowed on the whole30, but I wanted to check it just in case). I leaned across the counter a bit to get a better look in my cabinet when suddenly I was jerked backwards at 90 miles per hour! I screamed. HOLYCRAP! Something was pulling my hair HARD.  My head slammed into the mixer, and I knew exactly what was happening. I was too shocked to do anything about it. Thank GOD Brad was there to unplug the damn thing and get my hair out of the whisk attachment.

I realllllly thought that my scalp had been ripped away form my skull. I actually laughed while he was untangling my hair, because the situation is really kindof hilarious. Uusually that type of thing happens to little kids, not 26-year old women.

When I was finally free, and we realized my hair was still attached to my head and that I wasn’t dying, we decided to proceed with dessert. well, actually, I held an icepack on my head and Brad finished the dessert. It looks good, though, right:


I appreciated the comfort food after being so traumatized. My head still hurts and it’s been two days… I still have some swelling on my scalp and I keep getting some tingling sensations on my head. WTF. My life has lots of weird parts in it.
