FOOD. i loves it.

I’m making the teeniest effort to be more “zone”. Most of the time I’m too lazy.

Here’s my salad from Mellow Mushroom:

Here is the “SouthwestChicken” from AQ Chicken. The menu doesn’t mention that it’s mostly cheese. But it is:


And then I remembered that I can make photos WAY BIGGER!


This doesnt look nearly as good as it was. I went to Greenhouse Grille with Kate and ordered the Apricot Chicken Marsala. I am very very inspired to try and recreate this at home some time. It was freaking delicious.

This is what breakfast looks like on a weekend day that I need to go grocery shopping:


Zone-ish? We gots eggs for protein, potatoes for carbs, and fat sunbutter. Yum!

Word on the street–you haven’t lived till you did this with plantains:20121112-112101.jpg

And I made PaleOMG’s spinach egg nests. I used “Japanese sweet potatoes” which are purple/red on the outside, and white on the inside. They taste a little bit different, but mostly they just look totally different. Not sure if they are paleo friendly, but I assumed they are since they’re still called sweet potatoes. They are pretty dry… I have some leftovers from shredding and was planning on saving them to use as hash-browns for later but they’re kinda turning brown… we’ll see…



I don’t care to the air bubbles, though. They are kinda weird. 20121112-112112.jpg

I made them a while back, but I forgot how good they were! I’m so all about baking eggs in the oven lately.

And just in case you needed more proof that hot baths are the best sleeping pill in the universe:



That was my Friday night. All the other single girls got all dressed up and went out. Who had more fun? I will tell you. They drank too mjuch vodka and danced until their feet got sore (they’re still suffering from plantar fasciitis as we speak!) and now they’re all tired and hungover with mascara all over their eyelids and they’re still single. I, on the other hand, am also still single, but am well rested and I smell like vanilla and bubblegum.

Crossfit update: My hip feels SO much better!!! I have been instructed not to squat for at least two more weeks, but I am almost ready! I’ve been running a little bit (very little… like “less than a mile a time” little) which has caused some minor aching and swelling in my knee, but nothing that has forced me to limp. Which is a big improvement.

I’ve been having some trouble talking myself into going above and beyond. I have done some of the “regular” workouts instead of the AAB stuff because I’m avoiding squats. When I get done with the WOD, I pretty much grab all my stuff and leave. I haven’t been motivated to stay and practice skills at all! I think because I am getting out of running shape and out of squatting shape and it is very depressing. I have been working some on upper body stuff a little bit, but usually I’ll do like two “negative” ring dips and then call it done and leave. Last night after the workout I did two handstands and called it good. I think I’m really close to getting a bar muscle-up, though. I just need someone who knows what they’re talking about to work with me a little bit. (lol that video that I linked is nothing like what anyone I know looks like doing it! That guy is a beast… #menwhohavelegsforarms) I’ve got to stop pretending to use hashtags.