Exciting NEWS…. for meeeeee

My last entry was about this delicious epic meal I discovered.  So I decided to do it all up and make it a whole meal with veggies and everything!


I made sweet potatoes in the oven and it took a million years. I cooked two potatoes for over an hour in a 400 degree oven. Not a fan, but I forgot to get the crockpot going this morning, so my fallback plan was the oven. Because the microwave is even more annoying than that.

For the veggies I kinda re-did my christmas eve broccoli side dish:


Finished meal:20131230-140105.jpg

I have super exciting news!

I have already alerted the masses on instagram, facebook, and twitter, but… Brad got me a barbell for Christmas!!!!20131230-140126.jpg

He’s amazing! Ridiculously amazing.It’s so shiny and new and awesome and I’m going to use it tonight for the first time.

While I do this these three workout(s):


1-1-1  @ 60-70% (85-100lb)

1-1@ 70-80% (100-110)

1-1 @ 80-90% (110-125)

1-1 @ ? (135 +)

(based off of my 140lb max)




Clean and jerk





Extra row 800

20 hspu

Here’s my bar again! Excuse my apartment. It’s the Rogue Bella bar. So far I really like the texture on the bar itself. And I’m excited to lift with the rogue clips he got me too 🙂


I bought these reebok nanos from facebook for $40! I’m pretty pumped to get them. 🙂


I’m pretty sure they’re actually a  coral color in person.

Can you believe this year is almost over? Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve!!! I better hurry up and make my last few bad food decisions. I’m planning on being pretty serious in January.
