80’s Shenanigans

What are 80’s shenanigans?! Well sit tight, I will tell you. But first I have to complain about how gross this was:20131101-091801.jpg


On Wednesday morning we woke up a little late and had to either skip breakfast for throw it together in a pinch. I had this vega powder on hand, so it was the best opportunity to throw it in the blender and see what happened.

UM. ew. It was really gross. Brad pretty much spit it out, but I took it to work with me and forced it down anyways because I’d rather do that than battle a growling stomach all day.

Moving on.

So I took these really cool pictures of the clouds yesterday at my apartment complex during my lunch break:


I really liked the flag in the wind. I am so * NOT* a photographer, but I thought taking these was really fun 🙂20131101-091826.jpg


I got this book in the mail:20131101-091911.jpg


I can’t wait to make everything in it!!! Particularly the sauces.

Wow this post is all over the place.

NOW it’s time for 80’s fun. So the 6:30 PM crossfit class decided as a group to dress like the 80’s style in honor of Halloween. Which is totally cute on the girls but  completely RIDICULOUS on the guys. Mostly because they decided to dress like this: 



Beware. These cannot be un-seen… 😉



A little bit of themed workout-cheering:20131101-091938.jpg



This year has been the Halloween that keeps Halloweening! Going to one more party tonight at Zach’s at his new house! YAY!

Happy Friday! Have a fabulous weekend ❤ 



5 thoughts on “80’s Shenanigans

  1. jh November 1, 2013 / 10:28 am

    Ah… LOVE the guy’s get-ups! Whooo. 😉

    Totally dig the 80s style.

  2. njpaleo November 3, 2013 / 7:53 am

    Those 80s outfits are too funny!

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