Hillbilly Mud Run 5k

Go figure. Arkansas has a thing called a Hillbilly Mud Run.

Anyhoo–I went to Ft. Smith on Friday night to stay with Jessica and do this silly run so that I wouldn’t just sit at my apartment and cry hysterically all weekend. Breakups blow. Even when it’s my idea.

The mud run had a really long “rain delay” when we got there. Which was really annoying. We’re supposed to slosh through a pond, slide down a mud slide, and crawl under wires in the mud. Why the heck does rain matter??? Maybe they thought we’d end up looking too clean…


Loriane was there too! It was a nice little reunion from this shindig πŸ™‚

This was my first obstacle race. I pretty much didn’t know anyone on my team, but I had a good time helping them over obstacles and running with them through the muck. It was stinky though. It was at a farm with horse and cow poo all over the place. So I’m pretty sure all the mud was laced with doo-doo. Don’t wipe your mouth on your doo-doo covered t-shirt. It’s pointless. I found that out. And I think I know what poo tastes like now.


The guy in the orange was on some show that TLC was there filming. A bunch of our teammates signed release forms so they could kinda be “extras” on the show (they didn’t ask me because I was “too muddy”). Β It was some reality show called The Cheer Perfection. Which looked ridiculous. I don’t have TV, so I have never heard of this show, but it was this guy and two ladies rolling around in the mud being dramatic and going “I farted!!!”

Way to make Arkansas look brilliant. Thanks…

5 thoughts on “Hillbilly Mud Run 5k

  1. polkadotrunner April 29, 2013 / 9:52 am

    I did a hillbilly run earlier this year but it did not involve mud! Sorry about the other thing 😦 But you were right to go with your feelings πŸ™‚ Let me know if you need anything! Love ya!

    • fabulousinfayetteville April 29, 2013 / 10:01 am

      πŸ™‚ awww thank you! Life is hard. no one really can warn you of that–you have to find out the hard way.

      & I’d rather do an obstacle run without mud.

  2. njpaleo April 29, 2013 / 7:40 pm

    Sounds like a Hillbilly Mud Run is a great distraction! Ugh, doo doo mud…..that’s gross….Glad you guys had fun!

  3. ~jenniferlynn May 4, 2013 / 6:31 pm

    Breakup!? What? Pooey. Go #teamsinglecrossfitgirls

    Looks like the mud run was fun anyway; I have an all-female mud run coming up in June – hoping it will be a good time, and not on a farm with doodoo.. πŸ˜‰

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