Nakedseams and IF

I really wanted to show off how dirty my mirror loks with a flash.

Just kidding. I wanted to post about some of my latest lulu purchases because I haven’t been posting about them lately. First, I got these speed shorts in “Ray”. I have a fun story about them: I actually ordered a size 10 because that’s all that was left in stock. I figured they might fit me because my butt seems to be growing a little every day, but they looked really stupid on me. Lucky for me, lulu has a separate side for canada and they sold out of size 10 faster than size 8, and I found someone on the lululemon This Just In Facebook page from canada who got the 8 but wanted the 10. She was down to swap with me, so we did! Whooho!


I didn’t photograph the tens. They basically made me look like I had an enormous glowing bandonkadonk… even moreso than the 8’s…

I also got my first pair of “Nakedseam” speed shorts. They had a lot of negative reviews on the site, but I really liked this fun pattern, so I decided to try em:

And here they are on me:


I’m at least 50x curvier than that model. But I can probably outlift AND outrun her, no offense.


It’s fair. She gets to make money by modeling lulu.

Oh yeah, and I got the Pow Pink cool racerback. I feel like it runs a bit large compared to my other cool racerbacks. Maybe it’s in my head, though. Who knows. I don’t want them skin tight anyways.

Last night I made Chicken and Butternut Squash Pesto again from PaleOMG.


It takes a while to bake and it takes a while to peel and chop all that squash, but it’s worth it. Keeps 4-5 meals in the fridge ready to go! I even froze a container of it because we all know I often have “those days” when I have no time and am hungry enough to eat my arm but too broke to go out and eat anywhere (that’s lululemon’s fault).


Homemade pesto is ultra easy. And lucky me, the have the big containers of basil right now at Walmart, which are way cheaper than buying the little packs.


Okay, so I am trying Intermittent Fasting today (aka “IF”). I’m doing the style where you have 8-hour “eating windows” which means the other 16 hours of the day–you have to fast. Which sounds kindof extreme, but all you have to do is skip breakfast.

It’s almost 11:30 and I feel pretty normal. I ate a late dinner so I am approaching hour 14. I guess this fast will only be 15 hours because I suck at cooking fast. The only thing I don’t like is that my stomach is being super talkative. I work in a small office, so it’s pretty obvious that it’s me. “Blerblegergggghhh..”

Read about Intermittent Fasting.

Maybe you’ll jump on the bandwagon too? I’m mainly doing it as a way to try to lose fat without compromising muscle. Sounds too good to be true, but I don’t have anything to lose. Except breakfast 😉

And love handles. And whatever the heck that stuff is between my abs and the world. lol, gosh I am such a sucker for diet fads…

10 thoughts on “Nakedseams and IF

  1. ~jenniferlynn July 12, 2012 / 11:50 am

    Those colorful shorts are super cute on you! Your legs look better than the model’s 😉

    AND.. I do a semi-IF.. We usually eat dinner at like 6-7, and I don’t eat until 10 the next morning.. so that’s about a good 15 hours a day. I do drink one-two cups of coffee in the morning (strong, and black), but I think that’s acceptable.

    It’s gotten to be a nice habit, and I like how I feel. After my coffees and a morning potty-break, I feel cleaner and refreshed. I’ve been doing it for a few weeks, but see no reason to stop doing it (unless dinner goes late). I really don’t know know if it has made a difference in body fat though; I just know I feel good doing it.

    • fabulousinfayetteville July 12, 2012 / 11:55 am

      Thanks! Crossfit does a body good 🙂

      Do you think your IF style has a positive impact? Or is is just something you do naturally? I used to skip breakfast a lot in high school because I was lazy, lol.

      My lunch break is at 12:30, so on a normal day I think my fasts will be a lot closer to 18 hours. But I think I can work with that.

    • fabulousinfayetteville July 12, 2012 / 11:56 am

      oh wait NVM, the last sentence of your comment was hiding. lol don’t answer that again 😛

      • ~jenniferlynn July 12, 2012 / 12:00 pm

        I’m a former cereal/oatmeal/eat every two hours junkie.. I had the mentality that breakfast is ESSENTIAL and you MUST eat within an hour of waking up, blah blah blah. Waiting makes the food taste better lol. I eat an avocado and eggs for breakfast at 10:00-10:30, which fills me up a bunch, then don’t even think about eating until I get hungry again, usually 12:30/1:00. Again, could be psychological. I’ll snack on some almonds or baby carrots/other raw veggie in the afternoon, but usually I’m pretty satiated until dinnertime (I workout after work, before dinner).

      • fabulousinfayetteville July 12, 2012 / 12:07 pm

        I’ll be doing the same thing, basically, only skipping the 10:00 meal… Yikes! I stopped keeping snacks at my desk at work because I decided that it was pointless. But there’s a mini fridge here… maybe I could find a way to hoard some veggies or nuts around here.

      • ~jenniferlynn July 12, 2012 / 2:03 pm

        My work fridge is huge, and I always like to keep backup food lol. Always have some tuna and almonds in my desk drawer, and usually keep almond butter and some sort of raw veggies in the fridge.

  2. robfiasco @ run 2 the hills July 12, 2012 / 9:23 pm

    let me know if the fasting works! i like the shorts. yellow ones are my fave.

    i actually skipped too meals today. but not by choice. i overslept and didn’t have time to make breakfast or lunch. and i work in a small town that only has a mcdonalds so uhh…yeah, not eating there.

    • fabulousinfayetteville July 13, 2012 / 9:05 am

      Haha. no one wants to eat McDiabetes!!! You should have an “emergency meal” in your freezer that you can just grab and run with on days like that. I did that with my leftover squash chicken 🙂

  3. ilovefetacheese July 16, 2012 / 6:40 am

    I hate those stupid naked seam shorts!!! they gave me a rash!! so glad you got the ray ones.

    • fabulousinfayetteville July 16, 2012 / 8:32 am

      Really?! I’ve only worn them once, but they were fine. Yikes, maybe i should avoid running in them…

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